Choosing a puppy Pomeranian

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Constant question whom to choose for themselves and their families?
Girl or boy Pomeranian?
Choosing a puppy Pomeranian task seems not easy. First you need to firmly
  decide who exactly you want and for what purpose? What quality puppy, what growth 
 and categories, what color, what price.

 Better advice in choosing your pet to the breeder who will tell
 details on how to care for a puppy , what it will be about growth and what
 idiosyncrasies representatives of this breed .
 Has an important role and sex of the dog. Of course , it all depends on the preferences
 future owner , because only someone who likes boys , some girls. but the boys
 Pomeranian more vivid representatives of the breed , they molt less pronounced
 Wool is much richer , and to look at them more spectacular . Girls Pomeranian
 is a little trickier , but at the same time much more affectionate and get along better with
 people , while as representatives of the breed of the opposite sex are more straightforward in
 their actions.
 Pomeranian are very beneficial in terms of sizing - they are perfect companions
 for walks together , small and dwarf will not deliver any trouble in
 travel , the more that they can live together in small urban apartments . Topics
 more than that for smaller pets is quite possible to organize a toilet at home - put
 conventional tray and teach him to walk it there.
Girls are more agreeable and patient. They are usually easier to teach , but require
 attentive attitude . They are easier to find creative solutions . Where male
 acts directly bitch trying to find a workaround to solve the problem and other
 manner. Girls are usually more affectionate and sociable compared with males .
Create some inconvenience sexual instincts and physiological characteristics of dogs.
 Males actively interested relatives labels are showing great interest in the
 members of the opposite sex, trying to assert themselves in the larger societal
 males . Sometimes it is a serious problem . Pomeranian even considers himself
 big dog and believes the right to defend its territory , his master from
 encroachments gay fellow who is many times larger than it.
 So , the final choice Pomeranian for you!!!!!!
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